Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Proving Jesus Is Alive-God Is With Us


 Recently I was pondering on the struggles and confusion of the past couple years. I, like the old testament saint, have been looking up to God and saying: "If all is well, and you are with me, then why am I like this"?  Friends haven't been much help, thier perspective is not mine and I am thankful for them it is not.  As much as she loves me and is a gift from God, I find it hard to explain the struggles in me to even my amazing wife. 

 I think at times, this is The Lords way of steering us to Him. I can explain in word the battles, struggles and wrestling that is going on in my heart and mind, but really you are limited in your response and empathy to what you have known. Even if we share very common experiences, I can not expect you to fully understand me, and that is okay.  

 The Lord sees all and knows all. He has been there through it all. I think that is part of my struggle at times. I dont see that as helpful in my thinking. I was walking yesterday and praying about the past, and how I knew I had to release it, but just wish I had answers from Him. I heard in my heart, as I have so many times, "I was with you through it all. I was right there".  I usually answer with a thank you, but sometimes, like yesterday, I was in a real, real mindset. 

You know what I mean? I was not in for any pleasantries and faith talk, or Christian speak.  So I looked up to God and said, "That isn't really helpful to know right now".  Now I know this isn't an accurate depiction of God, but lets be real, faith is a struggle sometimes isn't it? Especially if you dont walk in a fluffy blind faith , where you act like nothing is real and everything is just peachy.

 However, I continued my retort: "How is that helpful Daddy? I mean I cant imagine sitting there watching my little boy go through that and not stopping it."  Imagine me telling a cop, well I didn't stop my kid from being abused, attacked, and harmed by an evil man, because well, that is the world we live in. I imagine the cop saying, "Sir could you have stopped it? Yes officer. "Could you have prevented it before it started?" Yes officer. "Well then you are going to jail for child neglect and endangering the welfare of a child."

 This is one reason I hated the movie "The Shack" . It gave me a pit in my stomach. It triggered a combination of a raging anger and righteous indignation that they would portray God as a neglectful Father who could have stopped the little girl from being raped and murdered, but cared more for the rapist and murderer. That there were no real wicked people, no matter what horrific act they committed.  That movie just pissed me off.  

 It left me angry at sin, wickedness, the writers, and I must admit God. I think I actually gave Him the cold shoulder for a few days after.  Please dont message me or comment with your grand revelations of Gods Grace and such. I know, I know, I know. Please dont give me a "WORD" about how you can see there is unhealed bitterness and anger in me and that is why  I was triggered. Yeah, no duh, that is the point of this article as I bring it to a close. 

 You see, the fact is that God was there the whole time. The fact also is, and disagree if you like, there are some things he cant stop, or else He would. Angels do have a powerful ministry of protection, but for whatever reason thier hands are tied in many instances. Again every reason you can come up with why that is so, there is just as valid a counter to say why it shouldn't be so. 

 So we can either come to the conclusion as any police officer or court would that The Lord is a neglectful Father that has no problem watching His Children suffer at the hands of evil, while He sits by and does nothing. Or we look deeper and see that we are indeed in a battle, on foreign land, poorly equipped, poorly funded and poorly trained to dominate in this battle. That, for reasons we will Not understand this side of Glory, Gods hand is limited in what He can do on earth, by what His People declare about Him, believe about Him and have Faith IN Him for. 

 We are living in an earth that is hopelessly broken, forever cursed in its current state, and filled with an unredeemable evil. We must come to the final conclusion that mankind is indeed cursed and part of the kingdom of darkness. We must have a revelation that there is no hope for man, in man. That there is no government, NGO or Non-Profit that can redeem mankind from this curse and renew their hearts of stone. We must embrace the truth of why Christ came, suffered so horribly both naturally and spiritually, in order to save us from the pure wickedness and evil that covers the world. 

 Jesus came to reveal, to conquer and to undo all The Works of The Devil. I am not sure we can fully understand who our Lord is without understanding who our enemy is. We cant fully embrace the Great Commission without fully understanding why we were commissioned , what we have been equipped with, and why that commission and equipment is crucial to Our Father showing just how loving He is.

 We can show the crying world, the broken child, the grieving mother, the distraught father, that God is here NOW. We can show them in action and demonstration that He is a Strong, Powerful and Loving Father.  That Jesus IS ALIVE NOW.

 But, He provided ONE WAY, ONE MESSAGE AND ONE BODY , to do that. He legally invaded the Kingdom of Darkness with The LIGHT and paid the price of mans Freedom with ONE BLOOD. The Blood of Jesus. All this gave man the ability and right through that blood to become sons and daughters of God.  

 We must engage fully The Great Commission. We must allow The Lord to remove the dross from our lives and churches. We must take The Light of Jesus and shine ii right in the face of every demon, evil spirit and dark hole Gods enemy is keeping people bound in. 

Oh it will be messy. Scary for some. It will cause the demons to cry out and beg not to be cast out. It will cause our nice churches to be filled with the sick and crippled looking to be healed. It will cause the drug addict's, prostitutes, gang members and sexually immoral to come begging at the Throne of Grace for Mercy.  It will cause the rich and well cleaned up to see just how poor and filthy they are. 

Oh, but it will be so glorious every time we show the little ones, the broken ones, the bound ones and the dying ones that Jesus is ALIVE and He is with them, with them, with them. 


 Oh Lord forgive us for not following your Command and Commission. Forgive us for trusting in mans efforts and futile methods. Forgive us for playacting to an evil so filthy it hides in plain sight as it destroys life after life. Strip us of all hope in the weak and impotent things of entertainment and comfort. 

Build us into an Army FULLY EQUIPPED WITH YOUR POWER, MIGHT, STRENGTH, ABILITIES and Gifts, all operating in your Great Commission, motivated by Your Great Love and Compassion. 

You are a Good, Good Father. Now empower us Lord. Reach through us to heal, to perform signs and wonders ALL IN THE NAME AND COMMISSION OF YOUR HOLY SON JESUS! You are good and your mercy endures forever. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

How Long Oh Lord? & Power? Power ? Power?


How long oh Lord will you withhold the rain? 
How long Oh Lord will you look upon their pain? 
How long Oh Lord until you reveal Your Hand? 
How long Oh Lord until you visit our Land? 
How long Oh Lord will you turn your away your ear? 
How long Oh lord will you allow them to wander in fear? 

We need you Lord to send the rain 
We need you Lord to heal our pain 
We need you Lord to reveal Your Hand 
We need you Lord IN our Land 
We need you Lord to bend down your ear 
We need you Lord to set us free from fear 

The forces of darkness and the wicked of the night 
Come against your young ones, and force them to fight 
They sneak into the sleeping sacks of your sons and daughters 
To poison thier hearts , and turn them against thier Father 
Forces, far above, those tortured on the ground
Laugh as they hear the screams, of those they have bound

Your enemies mock, and destroy all that is holy and pure 
They fear no retribution , they feel safe and secure 
Millions have passed on, and still, there are billions more 
That are trapped behind ,The Dark Kingdoms Door 

They will never see Light 
Never Taste Life 
They are bound from birth to death 
From thier very first to thier very last breath 

They see only evil, poverty and lack 
They know only the dread of the next attack 
They are born and raised like starving cattle in the field 
They have no sanctuary, no protector, no shield 

 So I ask, I plead, I cry with all that is in me!! 

How long oh Lord will you withhold the rain? 
How long Oh Lord will you look upon their pain? 
How long Oh Lord until you reveal Your Hand? 
How long Oh Lord until you visit our Land? 
How long Oh Lord will you turn your away your ear? 
How long Oh lord will you allow them to wander in fear? 

 Randy S Furco


Power? Power? Power? 
That drum has been beat. 
Somebody else can take it down the street. 

Power? Power? Power? My hand once cleaved to that sword. 
It shattered my hand and pierced my spinal cord. 

Power? Power? Power? 
What good is Power without Peace? 
What good is Power, when the pain does not cease? 
What good is Power without Compassion? 
What good is Power without His Passion? 

Power? Power? Power? 
Many sought it in vain 
Not to set free the poor Nor heal the lame 
Not to mend the broken heart 
Nor restore that which the devil tore apart 
Not to have mercy on the stranger 
Nor save the lost one from danger 

Power? Power? Power? 
They showed why they coveted power 
To rule over others from thier ivory tower 
They quickly traded precious pearls for gold 
To serve the spirits and idols of old 
They didn't really want The Lord's way 
They sold thier birthright for a bowl of political whey. 

Power? Power? Power? 
That drum has been beat 
Somebody else can take it down the street 

Randy S Furco

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

You Are LOVED!


  I knew in my heart the reason behind the shootings around Atlanta before it was released. I am sure there are some that really wanted it to be about race, but the real reason comes from the same place. A religious spirit mimicking The Spirit of Christ and a misunderstanding of The Gospel of Grace. The LORD does not bring shame on the heads of His Children. A religious spirit does that. A mean, legalistic, ignorant uninformed doctrine that believes God is a mysterious figure that has not been touched by our infirmities and doesn't understand our struggles. 

 Does He long for His Children to follow Him and leave sin behind? 

 100% YES! But, it is a process , for some a lifetime process that His grace is sufficient to cover and love them, you and me, just as if we had never sinned. 

 Are there consequences to sin? Of course Have you looked around you recently? 
 Murders, rapes, suicide, child abuse, elder abuse, horrific acts of war and terrorism. Broken families, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence , hatred, anger. 

  If we have been shown anything in the past year it is that religion, even if it hijacked The NAME OF JESUS, is mean, ignorant, childish and destructive. That is not The Gospel of Jesus. That is not The Spirit Of God. That is not The Reason in which Christ was revealed. Not the REASON why The Son of God was manifest in these last days. 

 On behalf of THE LORD and The Real Church. I ask for forgiveness from all who read this. I ask you to forgive us for embracing a lie in order to avoid The Truth. Forgive our foolishness' and ignorance of the things we proclaim to understand. Forgive us for raising children that are ashamed of thier bodies and ashamed of thier natural sexual urges. 

 Forgive us for painting a picture of an angry God that wants to kill and judge all who dont live up to the standard we alone created. Forgive us for leaving behind the very tools and truths that The Lord gave us in order to demonstrate to you His Love, Power , Glory and defeat of the one that causes all your pain and sadness. 

  Forgive us for coming to you with big bold words, fancy clothing, eloquent oracle speeches and well spoken man made prayers. Instead of coming to you with The Great Commission of Christ in The Power of The Holy Spirit WITH DEMONSTATIONS of healings, miracles and unusual signs and wonders. All motivated by The True LOVE OF GOD. Nothing else, nothing added, nothing expected in return. 

  Forgive our powerlessness and impotence, and total lack of faith in THE FACT that Jesus wants to show Himself and reveal Himself and The MANIFOLD WISDOM OF GOD through The Church to the entirety of the seen and unseen world. He wants to heal the terminally ill. Restore the broken mind and set free the harassed soul. 

 You see The Church should have been a place where this young man could have found wisdom, strength and grace. Where the spirit of shame had no chance to take hold. No, not where he would find an excuse to engage all the sin he felt tempted by, but a place to find the grace to learn, grow and shed the old ways like a worn out skin. A place to experience the saving grace of God. Where the joy of His presence is all the bread and water a man or woman needs. 

 But, at the same time a place where every man and woman knows they are His and He never gives up on them, ever. Just as Jesus told Peter, if a man sins against you 7x 70 times a day and comes and asks for forgiveness, we are to forgive them. He has an even higher standard than that for Himself. 

 Shame is an evil work from a fallen world used as a weapon to keep people from ever knowing the real Love of Christ. The religious men threw the woman down in front of Jesus that was caught in adultery expecting Him to call for her stoning and judgement. 

 They wanted to shame her openly and have Jesus do the same. Most of you know the story. He simply said the one of you that has no sin cast the first stone. Notice what happens next. From the oldest to the youngest they dropped thier stones and walked away. The bible doesn't waste words. There is a reason it was recorded this way. The oldest ones knew from a lifetime of trying to keep the law, even with all thier natural barriers, rules and traditions and threat of stoning, they still fell to the desires of the flesh. They still sinned sexually at least in thier minds and hearts if not thier bodies.

  Notice also what Jesus says to after they all leave. Where are your accusers , is there no one left to condemn you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more. He wasn't telling that it was okay to be an adulteress, just that He saw her heart, He forgave her, He wasn't going to condemn her to hell for it. He gave her grace to change. A grace that is enduring and powerful. A grace that if they would have thrown her down before him 490 more times that day, He would have forgiven her, over and over.

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who[a] do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 

6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. 9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies [d]through His Spirit who dwells in you. Sonship Through the Spirit 

 12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba,Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. From Suffering to Glory

  18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 

 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 

 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. 26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. God’s Everlasting Love 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 

 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Escape Hatches 3: The Doors That Lead Back To Prison


 No matter how attractive they may seem, or how much fake light may shine on the escape doors offered by The World, The Flesh and The Devil: Each door chosen will soon reveal you were just led deeper into the prison of darkness. 

 Each time you choose to try that door just one more time, instead of resting, waiting,  worshiping and yielding to The Lord, you add to the links of chains that keep you bound. You know in your heart that reaching for that handle will only lead to disappointment and shame, but over and over you yield to the false, perverted form of hope those cell doors offer. Somehow you believe , in the corridors of your consciousness that this time, will be the time that the escape door doesn't lead you deeper into bondage. 

 The Lord doesn't offer a door of escape that is made to look attractive and inviting to the flesh and the eye.  The door He provided is stained in His own Blood and is covered in the pieces of his flesh that the whip tore off and the nails penetrated.  He doesn't want to just offer you an escape from the cell you are in, He wants you to rise up in Him and walk out in The Grace and Power of His Spirit. 

  If we dont learn once and for all that The Lord doesn't work the way The World , The Flesh and The Devil work, we will always be open, in one form or another, to be seduced by those fancy, attractive, alluring and excited doors. Doors that only lead back into the prison cells of darkness. 

 He wants us so in touch with His Spirit and so repelled by anything that is not of His Spirit, that no matter what we see around us, or feel in us, our enemies will be setting thier traps in vain. No matter how much they play to our weaknesses and fleshly desires, we will not even look to the right or left, but continue to abide in The Lord , even as He perpetually abides in us. 

  It breaks my heart to see men of God , that I respect and honor, reaching for those those doors. They dont even realize how deep into the dungeon they trapped themselves until thier enemies pull back the veil to reveal thier sin and brokenness to the whole world. Leaving many mocking, many confused and even more hurt , wondering;

"If this mighty man of  God with such a depth of scripture and wisdom in him fell, what hope is there for me?"

 Somehow, someway, they allowed themselves to simply reach for an escape from thier appointed place. They looked around and heard something, saw something or felt something that whispered to them, "Did God truly say to avoid that, to stay humble, to be holy just as I am holy?"

 They allowed that question to linger as those doors of escape became more and more alluring, and more and more attractive. Until they got to a point where they saw something that was once profane and untouchable to them, as something they desired and needed more than The Lord. They gradually handed the ownership of thier mind and body to the flesh and the devil. They began to open door after door after door , until they were so deep into the prisons of darkness, they themselves were deceived. Though they were bound in chains, they professed they were free. Though privately they served The World, The Flesh and The Devil, publicly they continued the show. 

 This subject touches me in a deep and profound way, because recently I found myself back in the prison I once was free from. I found myself bound in chains I thought would never touch my "skin" again. I found myself reaching for those dammed doors over and over again, even though I know they only lead to pain and regret. 

  Like the dream that the wicked one sent to harass and traumatize me when I was just a toddler, that lasted years. I was sitting in the middle of  a huge expanse of darkness. I was always presented with a choice. There were two pin cushions, one with a short pin and one with a long pin. I had to choose. I reached for the same wrong pin, time after time, night after night.

 I knew I would choose wrong. I knew that the shorter pin was the wrong choice and it would pierce my hand and unleash a scream of terror and judgement all around me in the darkness. Yet as a baby, not quite even able to walk yet, I chose the wrong one each time. Still to this day, I can feel the piercing in my hand when I remember the dream. 

 The Good News is that Jesus is still setting the captives free. He never stops  calling out, because His Blood is on The Mercy Seat and perpetually cleansing those who are called by His Name. His Grace is Greater, His Love is Deeper and His Glory is Brighter than any prison of man or The Kingdom Of Darkness.


 But, we have to be honest with ourselves, our loved ones and with those we can give account to. When we fall, when we begin to reach or have already walked through the doors of temptation and sin, we must recognize it, repent, confess and rise up again. 

 The only prison The Devil can keep us in as believers, is the one we give him the keys to. He has no ability to stop us from standing up and walking out, right into the arms and light of Jesus Our Lord. 





Monday, May 11, 2020

The Last Days- Prophecy- Prayer - Providence- Purpose

  My heart had a familiar cry today. One that I have tucked away, buried, let dry out and ignored. I wrote a poem today expressing how I was feeling. There are things in this life that are not easily explained. Those explanations are even more difficult to express when trying to explain Spiritual Things in a Natural World. Those explanations become almost impossible to utter when trying to explain spiritual things, to people who should understand spiritual things, yet don't seem to understand them any better than those without The Spirit Of Truth.

 I don't say that to put anyone down, or lift myself up. It is just a truth that I have lived for many years. It isn't about who is more spiritual or is closer to God. Trust me, I do not place myself in any high seat of spirituality or knowledge. There are times I wish I didn't know what I know and don't see what I see. I think sometimes it must be easier to not know any better. I mean there are whole Christian Movements that find comfort in their error. They find family in their almost cult like groups. Cult may not be the best word , but some movements are so far removed from The Truth and The Gospel it may be the best word to describe them. Having said that , many of them Love Jesus in the knowledge they have and have found family and comfort in their beliefs.

 On the other hand I wonder about all those who are right on and are fulfilling The Great Commission. They are sound in doctrine and practice. Yet my heart goes out to them as well. It seems even they are "missing" something. Why do I say that? Well, because The Word says that The Lord would perform certain signs and wonders to confirm The Words of The Gospel and except for a spattering here and there, there are very few of those signs confirming our words. How are we to see that? 

 I know all the text book answers. I know all the theological theories. I know that they all have truth in them and are not without validity. However, none of them give my spirit peace as being THE TRUTH. Why is it even in faith filled, spirit filled, bible believing churches, far more believers die of diseases that require a miracle than live? Is it that God doesn't hear our prayers. When believer after believers dies from cancer, heart disease or viruses, and very few get healed in a way that The Word tells us that we should expect, shouldn't that cause us to stop and ponder it?

When child after child dies even after the prayers of their parents and church bombard heaven , shouldn't that bother us? Shouldn't that cause us to hunger and thirst? When our brothers and sisters remain bound by mental illness, addiction and oppression even after doing all they know to do, shouldn't it break our heart. Yet many times we assume they are just not strong enough, don't have enough faith, weren't as committed to God as they seemed. If they just loved God more and were more committed, right? Let me say as somebody who has been there and still struggles with things I don't understand, we have to be very, very careful with such judgement, spoken or unspoken. 

 What about the lost and those captive in The Kingdom of Darkness. The multitudes totally blinded and deceived without any powerful witnesses and ambassadors of The Kingdom to pull them from the darkness. Again, we have a small measure of success, but we have not seen a real Outpouring of The Gospel in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit for almost a century in this nation. I don't count massive gatherings of Christians gathering for famous speakers and  musicians as a Gospel Outpouring. Especially ones that charge a ticket price.

All these things can be summarized like this:

 There are people who will never be healed until they come in contact with the raw, un-quenched Power and Love of God and it may not be in their hands to make that happen. There are parents who are crying out for healing for their children who will not have their prayers answered for their dying child until The Body of Christ steps into her place. There are thousand, possibly tens of thousands of Christians that will remain bound and oppressed until The Body cares enough and grows enough to bring healing to them. Like the friends who lowered the man through Peters roof. There are Pastors in poor nations that will continue to watch their flocks starve and suffer early preventable deaths until The Western Church and Wealthy Pastors humble themselves and live a simple life so they can flow their hundreds of millions toward our suffering family. 

 It is my hearts cry and belief that there is much suffering because the hand is indeed saying to the foot, I really have no need of thee. I am wealthy and comfortable . I am favored of God and obviously since you are not living your best life now, you are not. I have the double portion, Jabez anointing, so I deserve to live in luxury while you starve. I have no need of thee. Remember, it is not only sin to commit sin, but to take pleasure and honor those who do such things. Selah.

  My heart breaks for the pain I see. My heart breaks even more that much of it is because we as The Church have not taken our place and are distracted by so many things. Entertained by so many things. Deceived by so many things. I cant explain fully what I mean. I just know that much of the suffering we see does not have to be that way. I know we have allowed enemy after enemy to come into our lives and churches to kill steal and destroy and chalked it up to many of the things I stated above. We just don't know, they didn't have the faith, part of Gods mystery, they were weak, it was Gods will..etc.

I tried to stay away from this path of thinking. I was content with just leaving it behind. I was settled with the thought, if God wants a change, well He will have to do it. Yet, He wouldn't let me drop it. Am I saying He agrees with everything I have said here, absolutely not.  Am I saying "THUS SAYETH THE LORD-YOU ARE  ALL IN ERROR". Oh my goodness no. I am just saying we need to be made hungry and thirsty again. We need to feel the suffering of the body and declare The Kingdom of Heaven to The World. We have to count all things lost for the Gospel and not quench The Spirit no matter how it will change others perspective of us.  We must tell the world Christ is coming soon and tell them what that means and who HE is. We must join with The Body of Christ across the planet and care for each other with The Love of Christ!

  There is much work to be done in prayer. There are many things to be prayed in The Spirit. I know what The Lord has been telling me and I have not been obedient. The time of delay is over. The time of just floating is over. The time of building personal kingdoms and cruise ships is over. It is time to march in prayer and faith. Time to build His Kingdom and build Great Supply Ships manned with Ambassadors of Christ.

My poem from today

My spirit man is groaning like a wanderer in a dry and weary land!

I long and thirst to see His Glory, expressed on earth, through His Outstretched Hand!

My heart strains under the burden of the bound and broken!

Crying out for a release of His Power and Love, like when demons fled from just a WORD being Spoken!

Bogged down by the empty words of the babbling lips!

I sail toward His Light, like a tossed and turned ship!

Lord HEAR the Prayers spoken by every shout, sigh and groan!

I shall seek you, unwavered , until The Answer is Released from Your Throne!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Testimony - Praying-Crying-Preparing In The Darkenss

I want to share with you a testimony about a period of time in my life that I call The Dark Years. I pray The Holy Spirit speaks to you, not only to help you, but to help you help others. I am sharing a small portion of my story that goes back to when I was a toddler. The roots of some of what I am sharing were planted then.

 From about 1997 - 2000 I was in a very intense place. I was operating in a very strong spiritual place, but at the same time I was living a white knuckle, highly intense false freedom from some long standing oppression. It was as if I was in a drug like focus that I thought was the anointing and freedom, but learned it was something else completely.

 A lot transpired during this time and there were many pressures from a lost job, to health issues with my wife, to some other very personal issues I will not mention here.  No matter what I went through my thinking was, I am not acting out in the sin I once did, so I am okay. I was on edge, my temper was on a hair trigger, I was in pain almost all the time, but hey I was about to graduate Discipleship Training, and I am not stopping. 

 I can not effectively describe the level of intensity of the stress and anxiety I entered into around the year 2000. I took a job that I was not built for as an armed guard and couldn't handle the stress of it. I was getting very little sleep. My system was constantly on edge. I was running on adrenaline 24/7 and that cant last . 

 The stress and anxiety were so bad that I had almost constant pains in my ribs and kidney area. I cried bitterly often. I had little control of my emotions, anger began to express itself regularly.

 One night I gave in to the old sin and from there I began to slide. I want you to understand that I wept at the alter many times. I cried out for help many times. I sat in church month after month, year after year in so much internal stress and physical pain I lost hope.

 One night , I walked to The Alter, knelt down, and told The Lord:

"I am sorry, I cant do this anymore."

 As I walked away form the Alter. Pastor Bob Carter stopped me and said "Randy you are a good man". I smiled as to say, sorry it is too late. Shortly after that I entered The Dark years that lasted from 2000-2006.

 It was during this time that I began drinking again, smoking again and engaging again in the sins that I found comfort in since I was very young. I was also working 3rd shift and was basically sleep deprived for the better part of a decade, but that is a longer story. The depth of the darkness I fell into in my soul caused me to feel such shame.

 I hid the pain well. I wasn't acting out in blow ups as much toward those I loved the most, but my addiction to sin grew deeper and deeper. It not only met, but surpassed the sin I came out of when I began attending church around 1993. I was heading toward an abyss that, but for The Grace of God I would not have escaped from.

One night after engaging in the sin I was oppressed and addicted to,  I felt as if I was on the edge of Gods Grace. I began to cry out to God.

 "Please Lord don't let me die in this. Please Lord I want to be free. Protect me until I can find my way out". 

 This I believe was a cry in the darkness because I realized I was beginning to lose sight of the light. I felt in my soul that the way back was closing, the light was dimming, hope of restoration was dying. This prayer was repeated countless time over the next few years. Then things began to turn. I began to see a way back again. This is the main point of this article.

To begin to stand up and move toward the light, even as darkness is trying to hold you in its evil grip. 

 I will say around 2003-2004 , The Lord began to draw me out of the darkness. I began to pray in the spirit more, I began to listen to sermons more. I was still drinking, still sinning, still acting out, but something had changed. It was as if Gods Grace came in a new way in my life. I began to see the path even though I was not actively following it.  I was still bitter, I still didn't want to go back to church, I still had a lot of shame, but I did begin to to sense the leading of The Lord.

 I fought it a bit. I was hurting in many ways. However then The Lord turned it up some more in interesting ways. 

 A spirit filled believer began working Night Audit in the hotel I was working. I felt the Holy Spirit in her and upon her. She didn't try and convince me to return, she didn't preach to me, but I could here her at times praying in The Spirit regularly. 

 Then another person was hired on that was a daughter of a new minister at The Church I left and God was drawing me back to. I  found myself in a position to defend her and The Church I was avoiding going back to.  That stirred in me a even more intense desire to pray in The Spirit.

Around November of 2005 . A spirit of prayer fell upon me and rose up within me. More on that in a moment, that will bring us to the end of this article.

Before I get into that let me point out that this was a 6 year period. There were many things that happened in life during this period I cant share here. I am not sharing specifics on purpose, not because I am ashamed of my story, but because I don't want that to become your focus.  

 I prayed thousands, probably tens of thousands of prayers from 1993-2006 from very dark, hard oppressed places. I focus on this six year period because the night I cried out to God not to let me die in this place, something broke. Nothing changed naturally. However from that night on I began to move toward the dimming light.

No matter how dark a place you may be in, there is hope. No matter how many times you have fallen you must get up again. No matter what the sin is you have fallen into or the shame you feel, you can rise up, be washed by His Blood and stand before Him unashamed. 

Now to bring this to an end. 

November 2005 something exploded in me. It was like The Holy Spirit grabbed me and put me in a place of intense prayer. Honestly it was so intense I didn't like it at times. I feared falling back into the white knuckle life like I shared earlier. But that didn't happen. I began to pray fervently all night at work. I marched in snow storms praying and crying. I walked miles and miles every night walking the property at work. 

I was still drinking, but quit smoking. My drinking become more controlled and I began to slowly pull away form the sins that easily beset me, but was still engaging. From November 2005 to February of 2006 I lost 50+ pounds from walking and praying.  

 In February 2006 we took a cruise and although I was drinking a lot of beer on the cruise, I was stirred in The Spirit. As I walked the Islands the gifts in me stirred. As we approached Dominica I could see in the spirit a haze of poverty over it.  I prayed under my breath as we toured the island. Before we got on the ship I was overcome and I knelt down ,placed my hand on the ground and claimed it for Christ. 

 When I stood up, I knew I had done something that was off. I felt something hit my stomach. When we returned from the trip. I began to have some symptoms that lasted for about a year, but peaked in about 6 months. That will have to be another article about authority and jurisdiction.

 Late March-Early April 2006:  

 I was sitting on my couch on a Friday night. I was probably about to open a beer and like a loud speaker in my soul I heard:


 I thought to myself ummm nope. However, it was a call that arrested me, it was as if my spirit man was being built the whole time and God had brought me to a place, unknown to me, that when He said "GO BACK NOW", I would.

 I got up, got dressed and went to church. What followed was divine appointment after divine appointment. A long period of purging and cleansing. Years of intense prayer and learning.  Supernatural moves of God in my body and soul. It was both intensely powerful and honestly intensely painful at times, as the root of all the darkness was exposed and dealt with. A process that is still going today.

 I look back now and see all the prayers I prayed while still in darkness were preparing me for the moment God said "GO BACK NOW" . All the cries, all the letters I wrote, all the intercession I found myself engaging in even as I was far from the church and people I was praying for, all of it was to prepare me for that day. All of it was preparing me for this day.

 My hearts cry for you is to pray no matter what. Seek His face no matter what. 

 To end I will repeat what I said above and add this. The time to believe fully is now. You don't have to wait to get so far from the light that you begin to lose sight of it. 


 No matter how dark a place you may be in, there is hope. No matter how many times you have fallen you must get up again. No matter what the sin you have fallen into or the shame you feel, you can rise up, be washed by His Blood and stand before Him unashamed. 


Thursday, April 16, 2020

A.R. Bernard | Recovering from COVID-19 | Christian Cultural Center

I believe this is the most important interview of our day. The Lord is speaking in a very deep way through this mighty man of Gods life and experience. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Personal Post

 I know not many people read my blog, and that is okay. I write my post and I believe that The Lord will lead people to receive from it that need it. If no one ever read it,  I would still post the things I feel led to post.

 This post is different. I am posting this as if a million people will read it across many nations, tongues and tribes. I have heard many Pastors talk about how when they first started they preached and taught as if there were a sanctuary full of people in front of them, even though there were just a few, or even none. That is how I am writing this post, as if it were the most important message in the world right now, as if the multitudes were tuning in to hear what The Lord wants to say. 

 My heart is full. In the spirit of my mind I am already traveling the globe with a message of healing and deliverance. In my spirit I am already bringing a word from The Lord into areas of the world where He sends me. I am part of a Ministry and Evangelism Team that speaks only the words that The Lord has promised to confirm with accompanying signs and wonders.


Yes , my heart is bound to The Will of The Lord concerning the broken hearted and lost, the captive and the demoniac, the sick and the poor.

I stood in a large meeting room today. It was set up board room style with 30 or so chairs around it. In my spirit I saw a ministry team sitting around the table debriefing from a powerful time of ministry. It was a peaceful site to me. I felt at rest. Before my eyes was the team I had prayed for over many years. A team not unlike the teams that Jesus sent out who took authority over demons and unclean spirits, that healed the sick, raised the dead, moved in the power and LOVE OF CHRIST.

Jesus promised He would be with us in life and in ministry. He gave us a great commission and He promised to confirm our words (when they were His words) with accompanying signs and wonders.

There is a price to pay to walk in the power of the age to come. Of course Jesus PAID THE PRICE, however He did say there was a price to pay to follow Him and continue His Ministry on earth. He said we would be persecuted,hated, even beaten and some martyred.

 Persecution is part of the package. The enemy hates The Light we carry and will look for any all opportunities to attack that LIGHT in us. I am ready to take everything The Lord has entrusted to me into the darkness. I am ready to see the joys of the captives being set free and the lepers being healed. I am ready to face the demoniac oppressed by Legion and see him set free.  I am ready to walk in the midst of the blood thirsty persecutors and pass through them under the wings of Angelic Powers. I am also ready for persecution, hatred and if called upon, martyrdom. 

So to the millions our team will someday reach. The Lord hears your prayers. His eyes are upon you and His ears are open to your cry. He is ready to answer your prayers with mighty deeds that cause the righteous to rejoice and the wicked to bite their tongues and cry our in pain.

 The LORD is sending His Disciples to bring The Gospel to you in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit.  He is sending His Body out to feed,heal,deliver, love and restore.

 The Lords Return is near. Let All The Earth Rejoice. The King is about to descend back to earth clouded in glory. He shall come in power and glory, strength and might! He comes as a Conquering King! Rejoice and again I say Rejoice!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Perceptions Of Poverty

There is a key verse that The Lord gave me as He began to teach me as a young man how to lead my family out of poverty and off of welfare. Of course there were many scriptures He used to correct, convict and guide me. Many having to do with work, attitude and diligence. He corrected me many times on laziness, slothfulness and cleanliness, both natural and spiritual.

However, the verse that He placed deep in my spirit and impregnated my soul with was key to all He has done for me. I believe it  has a prophetic significance to the time we are living in now. I will explain further in this blog post. Here is that verse in the translation The Lord sowed into me.

Proverbs 22:9 King James Version (KJV)

He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

 Such a short verse but within it holds all we need to know about The Lords heart and will when it comes to finances and poverty. Within it is a plan to not only use wealth to help the poor, but also to escape poverty itself. From the those who have severe lack, to those with an abundance, this verse speaks Heavenly Wisdom and Godly Instruction on how The Lord wants to provide for all mankind, so that none starve, none die from lack and that He may be glorified even in this fallen , sick world.

 I recently returned from a trip to Honduras. There I witnessed both abundance and poverty, living side by side. Much like here in The United States, but at quite different contrast. Being poor here many times causes the poor to choose between healthy and unhealthy food. Quality food verses what is seen as less quality. Food purchased or food given through food banks or charity. This goes for health care, medicine , transportation. Here being poor means choosing between quality and base.
 What I noticed there is there for many, sometimes whole villages, being poor means you have no choice. You have no food, no medicine, no access to even the basic health care. Being poor means choosing life or death, starvation or eating from scrap piles, stealing, begging...etc. 
Honestly there is no need for them to starve, the resources are there. There is no reason for them to die because of lack of basic medicine, the resources are there. There is just as much waste among those who have money there than there is here. To bring this on to a grander stage, there is an abundance of resources in The Body Of Christ in this world to meet the basic needs of the starving and dying on this planet.

Proverbs 22:9 King James Version (KJV)

He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

 Why don't we give more? Why don't we care more? Why don't we take on the responsibility of caring for those who truly have nothing and are crying out to just be fed, clothed, sheltered and loved? Why do we value stuff, comfort, fancy technology, nice furniture, expensive cars, jewelry, clothes over the lives of our brothers and sisters, our neighbors who are dying and begging for the scraps from our tables?
 This is a question I am asking myself. I believe there are a few key answers to this. First I believe we have grown to value comfort over sacrifice. We want the most comfortable churches with the most expensive decor and technology available to further our comfort and  entertainment experience. I believe this is just as much the "fault" of the Modern Christian as it is the leaders of The Church.
 Many modern Christians have become soft, comfort seekers, pleasure seekers, not disciples of Christ who are willing to DENY THEMSELVES, take up their crosses and follow HIM. That though is not the message of this post, because I believe there is even a deeper reason we are not having the impact on the poor , and our own prosperity, that we have the potential to have. It is because we have failed to see the Wisdom and Instruction in our key verse, we do not have a bountiful eye in connection with giving our supply to the poor.
 It is easy to have a bountiful eye when obtaining the things we desire. It is easy to have a bountiful eye to purchase things and services that will directly impact our comfort and security. It is easy to say I don't have a poverty mindset so I can enjoy the best things in life, trinkets and stuff. And blessings are okay and from God.  
 However, we seem to have more trouble having that same bountiful eye when it comes to the poor. Those truly dying because we are not giving them the life sustaining things they need. In America we don't see the life and death choices of poverty as much. We have food stamps, medicaid, emergency rooms that must treat. These are all good , abused but good. 
The best example in this nation of the scourge of poverty being allowed by those who have the means to stop it, is our education system.  It has been greed, oppression and neglect that has led to the conditions in our inner-city schools. The nation's eyes are turned away and will not be bountiful to those in poverty, and for that reason, blessings are withheld in ways we will weep over someday.
What would a Church or a person with a bountiful eye look like today. There are many already, but what could we do collectively, if we all came together and determined to save as many lives from the the death grip of the enemy? What is we determined people were more important than stuff? Mission more important than possessions? That feeding and medicating whole villages was more pleasing to us that a million dollar light and sound system so our churches can be better entertained? Do we have a bountiful eye for lives?

 The LORD promises us blessing if we will choose to have a bountiful eye in connection with giving our supply to the poor. This message is a message of joy. We have not even scratched the surface of the great blessings both natural and of the soul that we can obtain by understanding the joy of bringing life giving supply to those dying to receive it from us. 
 I starting this blog stating how The Lord used our key verse to lead my young family out of poverty and off welfare. He gave me a bountiful eye. Even while we were on Food Stamps we began to give to those who I saw as in need. We gave even out of lack, we probably gave too much at times, didn't use wisdom while giving, but The Lord gave us a bountiful eye. We had lack but there were others who were suffering true pain and poverty.  
 Where we couldn't reach those in need we gave to ministries that reached them on the ground, that showed that they had a bountiful eye toward the hurting, not toward their own wealth and kingdoms. We actually gave ourselves out at one point, because it held true that The Lord would bless us in more ways than just financial.
 Did we have the best of everything? No, fancy jewelry, cars, furniture, nope, never needed it. We did have many great vacations, adventure and trips that blessed us greatly. 
 Now this verse has resurfaced in my life. I want to have a bountiful eye again. I want to see all the bounty God has placed around us and see it flowing toward the poor and dying. I want to build churches where there is no Shepherd. Train ministers in The WORD AND THE SPIRIT to bring revival and joy to the broken hearted and oppressed.  I want an eye so bountiful that I can say in faith NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!  
 I want to see a Church that would trade in all the comforts of ease and come receive the word in a plain building, with the basics functions and still worship with all their hearts and substance. So that our eye would not be distracted by lights , but be filled with His Light, so we could see with His eyes the plight of those waiting for the scraps from our table. I want to see a liquidation of stuff in order to provide wells in every village, clinics in every village, meals in every village.
 I want a bountiful eye of faith to turn the hearts of even the wicked to guard our righteous cause. There is no limit to the blessings God will bring to a people with a bountiful eye toward the poor and the nations. 

Someone will say: "That is pie in the sky, not possible, there is too many obstacles".  You are in need of faith and have a sparse eye, not a bountiful one. You may be wealthy according to world standards but are poor in the eye of faith.

This women is the shining example of a bountiful eye!

Luke 21:4 New Living Translation (NLT)

For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”

The Gospel .....

Proverbs 22:9 King James Version (KJV)

He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

Luke 4:18-19 New Living Translation (NLT)

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
    that the blind will see,
that the oppressed will be set free,
19     and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.

Acts 10:38 New Living Translation (NLT)

3And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.

Luke 7:22 New Living Translation (NLT)

22 Then he told John’s disciples, “Go back to John and tell him what you have seen and heard—the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.”

Proverbs 14:31 New King James Version (NKJV)

31 He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker,
But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy.

Proverbs 28 New Living Translation (NLT)

1 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
    but the godly are as bold as lions.
When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
    But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.
A poor person who oppresses the poor
    is like a pounding rain that destroys the crops.
To reject the law is to praise the wicked;
    to obey the law is to fight them.
Evil people don’t understand justice,
    but those who follow the Lord understand completely.
Better to be poor and honest
    than to be dishonest and rich.
Young people who obey the law are wise;
    those with wild friends bring shame to their parents.[
Income from charging high interest rates
    will end up in the pocket of someone who is kind to the poor.
God detests the prayers
    of a person who ignores the law.
10 Those who lead good people along an evil path
    will fall into their own trap,
    but the honest will inherit good things.
11 Rich people may think they are wise,
    but a poor person with discernment can see right through them.
12 When the godly succeed, everyone is glad.
    When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding.
13 People who conceal their sins will not prosper,
    but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.
14 Blessed are those who fear to do wrong,
    but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.
15 A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor
    as a roaring lion or an attacking bear.
16 A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people,
    but one who hates corruption will have a long life.
17 A murderer’s tormented conscience will drive him into the grave.
    Don’t protect him!
18 The blameless will be rescued from harm,
    but the crooked will be suddenly destroyed.
19 A hard worker has plenty of food,
    but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty.
20 The trustworthy person will get a rich reward,
    but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble.
21 Showing partiality is never good,
    yet some will do wrong for a mere piece of bread.
22 Greedy people try to get rich quick
    but don’t realize they’re headed for poverty
23 In the end, people appreciate honest criticism
    far more than flattery.
24 Anyone who steals from his father and mother
    and says, “What’s wrong with that?”
    is no better than a murderer.
25 Greed causes fighting;
    trusting the Lord leads to prosperity.
26 Those who trust their own insight are foolish,
    but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.
27 Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing,
    but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.
28 When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding.
    When the wicked meet disaster, the godly flourish.

He Is Waiting