Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Love The Church-- I Love My Church

Got this at During worship this morning.

Let not the rich say to the poor: I have no need of you
Let not the poor say to the rich: I have no need of you

Let not the old say to the young: I have no need of you
Let not the young say to the old: I have no need of you

Let not white say to the black: I have no need of you
Let not the black say to the white: I have no need of you

Let there be peace between the rich and the poor
Let there be peace between the young and the old
Let there be peace between the black and the white

We are one body in Christ
Called to One Body
Born into One Family
Called to Love The Church
Called to Be The Church

Made up of All Nations, Tongues and Tribes

I Love  The Church
I Love My Church

United As One with each other and Christ
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Stand Against US!!!

(Some of that unfolded as I typed)