Monday, May 24, 2021

Will Those Who Never Heard Be "Saved"?


(This post started out as an answer to a video somebody posted asking the question above. I began to type and moved it here) 


I think the issue that arises with this question, in my opinion is this: What does "being saved" mean. If we are talking about just avoiding hell, an eternal fire of suffering and pain as we have been taught it is, then they would have to be saved from that. But, if being saved, born again which is really a better description, means far more than being saved from a lake of fire, then the real answer is God only knows.

We are not the judge of such things. I am not going to make a final judgement on the eternal destination of a whole nation of people who were born behind a gate of darkness and evil. If you are so confident that you can.... well good luck with that.

 Being born again isn't just being saved from hell. It is far more than that and has far more implications for The World we now live in and The World to come. We are taken from The Kingdom of Darkness and born anew into The Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is within us. When Jesus said unless a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven (The Kingdoms of God). He wasn't talking about a heaven we go to when we die. He was talking about The Kingdom that is very real right now, alive and active in everyone born of The Spirit. 

 The Kingdom of Heaven has always been all around us, more real than this world. Man didn't have direct access to That Kingdom until Jesus accomplished His Work. The Kingdom that was being revealed, demonstrated and taught by Jesus, His Life and His Disciples is open to all that believe in thier heart and confess with thier mouth Jesus is Lord. We not only have access to The Kingdom of Heaven RIGHT NOW, we are living, operating and have our entire being in That Kingdom.

 We take that Gospel into all The World so The Kingdom of God can be spread into all The World in those that believe. We go into The Kingdom of Darkness and through us, by preaching The Gospel of The Kingdom, God translates people from The Kingdom of Darkness into The Kingdom of God. For what purpose? To just save them from Hell? No, so that through us and them, Jesus can continue His work of undoing all the works of the devil, in every nation tongue and tribe. To spread across the world The Knowledge of The Glory of The Lord. To make every enemy His Footstool.

 Therein lies where much of The Church for the last 1800 or so years has missed it. We have preached the wisdom of man instead of The Gospel of The Kingdom in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit. We have, for the most part, except for The Remnant, preached a powerless, mixed message. Having a form of Godliness but denying the power of God.

 Back to the question. I will put it bluntly as what the question is really asking.

Will those who have never heard, and maybe already living a life of hell on earth as a result of The Kingdom of Darkness ruling where they live, die and suffer eternally in torment and pain. I have to say I believe The Work of Christ was enough for them. I believe that even if Jesus must stop time as we know it, in the last millisecond that they are still in thier body, He will do so, reveal Himself to them and through Him THEY WILL BE SAVED.

 Someone will ask, "Why bother sending missionaries out then. Let’s just make sure they never hear it; more will be saved then".

 That kind of "question" comes from a very narrow belief of The Work of Christ and The Church's call to bring The Message of The Kingdom into all the world. If it is just to save people from a fiery lake where there is eternal screaming and suffering, of souls who don’t even know where they are or how they got there, then Jesus didn't accomplish a whole lot.

 There is so much more Glory, Power and eternal impact that we have not only in this world now, but in the one to come, when we fully engage The Great Commission in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit.

 We are empowered, when we follow His Spirit and His Plan to be His Joint Heirs. Heirs to what? The Nations. It is written about The Messiah; I will give you the nations as your inheritance. What did Jesus command us and commission us to do? Go into all NATIONS, take authority over the darkness there, demonstrate authority over the darkness there and preach to them The Gospels of The Kingdom. Then to make disciples in those nations so they can demonstrate The Kingdom they were just born into.

 This is why The Five-Fold Ministry is so important. We need Covenant Teams of The Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist Pastors and Teachers establishing churches in all nations. Not just churches though. NT Churches that move in The Power of The Spirit and that are filled with believers that know thier Kingdom Authority and Gifts, so they can Demonstrate The Kingdom that is in them and all around them through Jesus. Churches that are built upon the solid foundation and revelation of The Word of God and the revelations of Jesus Christ.  Upon this Rock Jesus builds His Church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.  

We have been so misdirected over past 40 years about what The Church should be and look like. It is so sad that we have traded the true riches of The Kingdom and The True Gospel of The Kingdom for a silly, prosperity driven, politically poisoned, and media driven personality gospel. 

17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[ will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

12 But our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. 13 There he waits until his enemies are humbled and made a footstool under his feet. 14 For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.

15 And the Holy Spirit also testifies that this is so. For he says, 16 “This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the LordI will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”

17 Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.”  18 And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.

 If He isn’t confirming our words in the way He Promised and Demonstrated, you can be sure He didn’t lie. You can be sure we have missed it big time. We have taken Him and His Message lightly, preached it wrongly or mixed it with poison that He cannot confirm.

We may have been empowered now and then to lay hands on a few sick people and see them recover but don’t mistake that for The Power of The Gospel. Jesus was not happy with those results, yet we make that the pinnacle of moving in The Spirit. 

 Time to cut the tethers of the poisoned Roman Pagan Church once and for all. Cut every false doctrine and mindset that has plagued The Church since Constantine and the unbelief of those in Galilee that couldn’t see beyond what they could see with thier eyes in order to see The Kingdom in Jesus. It is time to bury the lies that somehow wealth and happiness is our goal. It is time to change the thinking that acceptance and relevance is our goal at any cost, even to letting pagan idols and lies into our doctrine. It is time to put to death the lies that political connection and power is a worthy replacement or place of equality for The Power of The Spirit.

 The whole foul system that spread a False Gospel though political, monetary and military strength has hidden quietly, even in our so called non-denominational spirit filled churches, and we have seen it infesting them over the past 40 years. Fully revealing itself over the past 4 years. So much so that I think some of my brothers and sisters in Christ would condone Christian Armies marching once again with sword to force conversions on those they see as inferior or savage, if given the full backing of the government and thier politically driven leaders. They spread a false gospel then, when they invaded nations and overpowered the people with sword and bribery to "save them from hell", and they spread a false gospel now, same spirits, not of God. That is not The Gospel of The Kingdom.

Wait until you see, very soon, how far we have missed it. The Lord is about to fully reveal His Kingdom again, through His appointed and anointed sons and daughters. It is going to look nothing like we have ever seen. It will shock many, offend some and completely change The Church forever. However, the hard hearted will not be able to attack it, because The Lord will be glorified, and He will be confirming our word with accompanying signs and wonders. 

 His Church will grow, The Word will prevail and the whole world will be filled with the Knowledge of The Glory of God. He will demonstrate His Manifold Wisdom through The Church to all principalities and powers, both seen and unseen. You will see massive ministries, liquidate all thier holdings, including personal mansions and stolen Kingdom wealth, in order to spread The True Gospel and establish, supply or re-establish churches throughout The World.

And with that. I will let The Lord show whether the things I have written are true. Let me be a liar and The Lord be True if I am in error.