Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Personal Post

 I know not many people read my blog, and that is okay. I write my post and I believe that The Lord will lead people to receive from it that need it. If no one ever read it,  I would still post the things I feel led to post.

 This post is different. I am posting this as if a million people will read it across many nations, tongues and tribes. I have heard many Pastors talk about how when they first started they preached and taught as if there were a sanctuary full of people in front of them, even though there were just a few, or even none. That is how I am writing this post, as if it were the most important message in the world right now, as if the multitudes were tuning in to hear what The Lord wants to say. 

 My heart is full. In the spirit of my mind I am already traveling the globe with a message of healing and deliverance. In my spirit I am already bringing a word from The Lord into areas of the world where He sends me. I am part of a Ministry and Evangelism Team that speaks only the words that The Lord has promised to confirm with accompanying signs and wonders.


Yes , my heart is bound to The Will of The Lord concerning the broken hearted and lost, the captive and the demoniac, the sick and the poor.

I stood in a large meeting room today. It was set up board room style with 30 or so chairs around it. In my spirit I saw a ministry team sitting around the table debriefing from a powerful time of ministry. It was a peaceful site to me. I felt at rest. Before my eyes was the team I had prayed for over many years. A team not unlike the teams that Jesus sent out who took authority over demons and unclean spirits, that healed the sick, raised the dead, moved in the power and LOVE OF CHRIST.

Jesus promised He would be with us in life and in ministry. He gave us a great commission and He promised to confirm our words (when they were His words) with accompanying signs and wonders.

There is a price to pay to walk in the power of the age to come. Of course Jesus PAID THE PRICE, however He did say there was a price to pay to follow Him and continue His Ministry on earth. He said we would be persecuted,hated, even beaten and some martyred.

 Persecution is part of the package. The enemy hates The Light we carry and will look for any all opportunities to attack that LIGHT in us. I am ready to take everything The Lord has entrusted to me into the darkness. I am ready to see the joys of the captives being set free and the lepers being healed. I am ready to face the demoniac oppressed by Legion and see him set free.  I am ready to walk in the midst of the blood thirsty persecutors and pass through them under the wings of Angelic Powers. I am also ready for persecution, hatred and if called upon, martyrdom. 

So to the millions our team will someday reach. The Lord hears your prayers. His eyes are upon you and His ears are open to your cry. He is ready to answer your prayers with mighty deeds that cause the righteous to rejoice and the wicked to bite their tongues and cry our in pain.

 The LORD is sending His Disciples to bring The Gospel to you in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit.  He is sending His Body out to feed,heal,deliver, love and restore.

 The Lords Return is near. Let All The Earth Rejoice. The King is about to descend back to earth clouded in glory. He shall come in power and glory, strength and might! He comes as a Conquering King! Rejoice and again I say Rejoice!!