Thursday, January 23, 2014

Revolution in World Missions- One Man's Journey to Change a Generation!

I wanted to share the first few words of this book. We need this type of presence in America so that we can be a light to those bound by lies and deception:

 The silence of the great hall in Cochin was broken only by soft, choking sobs. The Spirit of God was moving over the room with awesome power-convicting of sin and calling men and women into His service. Before the meeting ended, 120 of the 1,200 Pastors and Christian Leaders present made their way to the alter, responding to the "call of the North".

They were not saying, "I'm willing to go," but rather "I am going."

 They made the choice to leave home,village and family,business or career and go where they would be hated and feared. Meanwhile, another 600 Pastors pledged to return to their congregations and raise up more missionaries who would leave South India and go to The North.

I stood silently in the holy hush, praying for the earnest pastors crowded around the alter. I was humbled by the presence of God. As I prayed my heart ached for these men. How many would be beaten and go hungry or be cold and lonely in the years ahead? How many would sit in jails for their faith? I prayed for the blessing and protection of God on them-and for more sponsors across the seas to stand with them.

They were leaving the material comforts,family ties and personal ambitions. Ahead lie a new life among strangers.............

Get your free copy by clicking picture below. You will be blessed.

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