Monday, March 29, 2010

++++++++In The Worlds Darkest Hour

In The Worlds Darkest Hour.

In the worlds darkest hour
Will you call upon My Power?
Or will you fall asleep on Me?

When mens hearts grow dark and cold
Will you just sit with hands fold?
Or will you cry out to me?

I am calling My sons, and my daughters
To stand in a place of Prayer and Power!!
Oh PLEASE!! Don’t fall asleep on Me!!

For in a short time, I will close The Door
This Age of Grace, will be no more!
You must not fall asleep on Me!

If you, like I, had tasted Hell, and Death
You would cry out for the lost, with every breath!!
And would not allow yourself, to fall asleep on Me!

So rise up in My Strength and Authority!
Call upon My Mercy,Might and Sovereignty!
Great miracles and salvation's, you will see!!
If you will not fall asleep on Me!!!

"You can have Hope without Faith, but, you can not have Faith without Hope!"

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