Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 8,1990=18 Years and getting better

Marriage,What does it mean
Is it a blind commitment,to a path unseen
For some it is and that path leads to heartache
But for those joined in The LORD, it is a bond nothing can break!
It is stronger than the ring of gold on your hand
Against all principalities and powers, it is able to stand..............................

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I tried to stay silent

I see upon the horizon the dawning of a new day
A time when even the most stiffed neck will have to say

Jesus is LORD over all the land
And he has dominion of all the work of His Hand

The day Isaiah spoke that a great light will arise
The day of Gods vengeance, and His enemies soon demise

The season of The Harvest and The Gathering into Gods Sanctuary
The Precious Fruit of The Earth, finding their place in eternity.....

I will boldly say without fear
The Return of Our King is Very Near.
