Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Detour

For many this sign is before you, or in your near future. When you see it, put the pedal to the metal and get on with Gods Plans and Purposes for your LIFE!!

And Praise His Holy Name, with Thanksgiving, for all you learned on "The Detour"!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So That it Might be Fulfilled!!!

These lives are temporary. A blink of an eye. The trouble you see in the world was foretold to us by Jesus. If you are hung up on, and troubled by politics, you have lost sight of The Word and are not fully understanding that a good portion of The Word speaks of a time of great trouble. It shouldn't bother you one bit who wins the next election, no matter who it is.

We are entering a short period of time, that event after event will be seen as the events of the former rain were seen, even the horrible events, even the troubling events were described as.."So that the scripture might be fulfilled".

Think about this, when Herod, filled with evil, ordered all the male children 2 years and under to be killed, The Word says that it fulfilled scripture.

Judas betraying that the scripture might be fulfilled.
The destruction of that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Jesus being beaten beyond human that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Many in the church today can't handle somebody saying, that if this candidate wins or that candidate wins, it was Gods will for them to win.

There are prophetic words about this time we are living in, and they to will be fulfilled.
The world economy will collapse, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Men hearts will grow darker and darker, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Billions will die from disease,disaster, wild animals, starvation and evils that are yet to be revealed, that can only be described as the veil between the spirit and the natural being penetrated to allow demons access to man....So that the scripture might be fulfilled.

No not because God is horrible for those non-believers who may be reading this.(That subject is a different post)

Now, in the view of all that, how silly should we feel about the stuff we complain about and fight about. How short sighted are we when politics cause such trouble in the church?

Jesus is LORD! All authority in Heaven and Earth HAS BEEN GIVEN UNTO HIM!! Lets start acting like it. Me included. Lets start acting like we really believe that He has given us His Authority to use on Earth to knock down the gates of hell and reveal The Kingdom of HEAVEN TO the world.

Jesus will return very soon. He will remove all that offends. Oh there is so much in that one statement. He will remove all that offends. Oh How wonderful that day will be for those who Know Him and have accepted His free gift of salvation.   But Oh how horrible, how terrible, how terrifying it will be for those who have rejected His Grace and chose to openly offend Him without repentance.

 I will end on a note of Hope and Glory. Even as The World grows dark and unimaginable fear and shaking comes to The Earth and the nations of the world. A great light will arise of The Church. His Power and Glory will shine as a beacon to all those who want to come out of the darkness, so they to can receive the free gift of Salvation. God would have all men come to repentance, so He will provide cities of refuge, cities of light.    

You can carry the Glory of God with you into the darkness and lead people out that are grasping for The Lord and crying out for mercy and salvation. You can be His feet and hands. You can be His voice. You can bring His presence, that makes the earth bow down before you (HIM) into the places that the enemy is holding his captives.   Do you want to be His Vessel of Grace as the Floods of Judgement come upon The Earth?


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It Is Time

This  post was going to be on The Dangers of Being Spiritually Unfocused. However, it seems some things have taken a turn in The Spirit. So, frankly, I have a strong sense in my heart that there is really no time to be lazy or unfocused about what God has called us to do.

So I say to all that read this. Today is the day to turn and repent. Today is the day to recommit to His Plan for your life. Today is the day to die to self and allow Him to live through you.

The clash that is coming will be played out both in the natural and in the spiritual. As nation rises against nation and ethnic group against ethnic group: So to will those bound and controlled by a religious spirit rise up against those filled and led by The Holy Spirit.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Importance of Spiritual Focus

The importance of Spiritual Focus can not be overstated in these days of trouble on the earth.
Christians must make a decision, a real decision, to purposefully focus their heart, mind and spirit on The Lord.

The world, and even sometimes the occult, has tainted and perverted the idea of Spiritual Power coming from the spirit of man. However spiritual focus and power are very real and I would say required by The Lord in order to fulfill The Great Commission.

Jesus on several occasions linked The Power of The Holy Spirit and the Power of Faith in a person, both believer and potential believer, with fulfilling His purpose and plan on The Earth. (See Matt 15:18/Matt9:29/Mark 16/2 Timothy 1:5/1 Peter 5:9/Rev 2:13-19)

There are many ,many more verses that that make it abundantly clear that, Our Faith/Your Faith, is the key to all that God does through us and in us on this earth. (See ACTS 1:8)

The people of God in the Old Testament were reminded to lift up the name of God continually. They were commanded to declare That God is Good and His Mercy Endures Forever. They did not have The Holy Spirit living in them to be their Comforter and Stand By.

They did not have Him reminding them who they were, who God is, and how He had a plan and a purpose for them. They needed The Prophets to remind them, they needed ritual and traditions to remind them.

They didn't have rivers of living water flowing through them to refresh them, like we do. They didn't have a Living Faith, renewed and refreshed daily by The Holy Spirit of Jehovah!

We have all these things yet we still need set our focus, especially in the days ahead.

Listen my friend. God has deposited in you something greater than any of us can imagine. Even if your circumstances are hard and all the "prosperity" that The Western Church has over emphasized has not come into manifestation, that does not weaken, or lessen, The Power and Ability The Lord has placed within His Children. 

However our faith will make the difference between whether or not we access it.

The intensity of the focus of our Faith in His Word, applied to specific situations that He has laid upon our hearts, will determine the level at which HE receives Glory to His Name.

I am not talking about mountain moving faith. That is a generalization that has been overused to the point it has lost its punch. I am talking about specific, focused, laser like faith that makes impossible tasks: possible, that causes impassable barricades to be demolished, and impenetrable walls of protection to be erected around churches and believers.

What is it that God has put on your heart continually that you have put off to "someday"?

What is it that Your LORD has poked you about and tugged at your faith for, that you have not dared to believe for or speak out?

What really bothers you that you know bothers God? But, because no one else seems to be addressing it, you haven't pressed through in prayer to get direction or see change in it?

I have a few things. Some I have not pressed in on. Some I have let go, because of what seems to be a lack of success, in using my faith, to receive for myself and my family.

Disappointment has taken many strong ones down.

I will share something that The Lord will not let me drop. I know with all my heart that The Lord wants to demonstrate His Dominion through His Church and His People. I know He wants to demonstrate His Omnipresence and His Omnipotence through His People and His Church. I know it. I have faith that He wants to, that He will need to, in order to fulfill His Plan in these last days.

I am talking about translations like with Philip. I am talking about signs and wonders, not just healing. Closed nations swept with The Gospel with no Martyrs, Christians walking through the midst of their attackers, not being seen. Would be killers blinded and confused. Armies turning on themselves. The most broken minds and souls renewed, restored and refreshed with wisdom.

There are more than sufficient examples in The Word ,both Old and New Testament, to give us an arsenal of promises to believe for in these troubling times.

Both in The Old and the New Testament people were raised from the dead.

Jesus gave us two examples so that we would have no excuse to say, that isn't possible. The Madman of the Gadarenes and Lazareth. We can have faith that God will heal even the most broken body. Lazareth was dead for days, his body already rotting, yet Jesus looked up to Heaven gave glory to God and Lazareth was restored to wholeness.

We can believe for the most broken body to be healed, even unto the most crippled, even unto death. But it will not just happen, we must have focused, real faith for it.

The man with the Legion is an example of The All Powerful Authority of Jesus. No matter what demonic or mentally ill challenge is set before us in ministering Gods Love and Grace, we have no excuse to think for a moment that it is not possible. There is no mental illness that can not be destroyed. There is no demonic possession that can not be driven out and there is no filth or brokenness of man, that can not be restored and made perfectly clean and whole!!!!!!

Oh, but it will take your faith, partnering with The Holy Spirit in you. And a determination that God will do what He says He will do!

Will you be called to walk in all these things. I don't know, probably not. But you know that there are things God has prepared you for. You know there are things that The Holy Spirit keeps laying on your heart. You know there are impossible situations that He has drawn your attention, to over and over.

They may not seem to be on such a grand scale as taking the nations, but if He is trying to get you to fully operate in faith, and APPLY that faith continually, in that area He keeps showing you, then it may be, scratch that,  IT IS a key component to Him getting His Word, His Power and His Name into that situation.

I pray that The Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your understanding, and mine, so that we can fully operate in, and apply our Faith so that His Power can be released!!

May His Will can be done, so that His NAME will receive glory on Earth as it is in Heaven!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This hymn by Arthur Cleveland Coxe from 1839, has been strong in my spirit. I can sense the great displeasure of The Lord with The Kings and Rulers of The Earth.

I believe in my heart that this hymn WAS Historical and IS

O where are kings and empires now
Of old, that went and came?
But Lord, thy Church is praying yet,
A thousand years the same.

We mark her goodly battlements
And her foundations strong;
We hear, within, the solemn voice
Of her unending song.

For not like kingdoms of the world
Thy holy Church, O God,
Though earthquake shocks are threatening her,
And tempests are abroad.

Unshaken as eternal hills,
immovable she stands,
A mountain that shall fill the earth,
A house not made by hands.

Arthur Cleveland Coxe, 1839

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Pray For The Church in The World!!
Pray That Gods Will Be Done On Earth!!

                For when Prayer Ceases and Time is Complete!!
            The Earth Will Shake To and Fro Like a Drunken Man!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Win A Free Mission Trip w/ Reinhard Bonnke

            Click Below to WIN A FREE MISSION          
                   TRIP WITH CFAN!!!!

Win A Mission Trip with CFAN!!!!!

Says it all! Psalm 112

Psalm 112
New King James Version (NKJV)

Praise the Lord!
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,
Who delights greatly in His commandments.

His descendants will be mighty on earth;
The generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches will be in his house,
And his righteousness endures forever.

Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness;
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

A good man deals graciously and lends;
He will guide his affairs with discretion.

Surely he will never be shaken;
The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.

He will not be afraid of evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

His heart is established;
He will not be afraid,
Until he sees his desire upon his enemies.

He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever;
His horn will be exalted with honor.

The wicked will see it and be grieved;
He will gnash his teeth and melt away;
The desire of the wicked shall perish

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some of My Thoughts, The Word and Quotes

"Be an Armour Bearer to The Leaders you serve!! Time for The Body to serve The Church and Fulfill God Plan on Earth as it is in Heaven! If you don't have a leader you can serve with your full heart, find one." RF

"The Ministry of Prayer for The Church Locally, and Universally, MUST be led and empowered by The Holy Spirit. Only He knows Gods Full Plan!! " RF

"Prayer is so much more than any book or article can explain. God has hidden The Power of His word in Spirit Led Prayer. " RF

"Jesus is LORD over all The Earth. All Authority in Heaven and Earth belong to Him. His Arm has not been shortened and His Hand has not been weakened!! Who will tell Him to draw His Hand back! Who will tell Him that He cant fulfill His Word? He shall do as He pleases. And it pleases Him to prosper, heal and empower His People!"  RF

"If we don't care enough to intercede on behalf of the church that is in the drought areas of the nation; We will not care enough, or be prepared to be a sanctuary for the ones that need to escape."  RF


Behold, the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste,
Distorts its surface
And scatters abroad its inhabitants.
And it shall be:
As with the people, so with the priest;
As with the servant, so with his master;
As with the maid, so with her mistress;
As with the buyer, so with the seller;
As with the lender, so with the borrower;
As with the creditor, so with the debtor.

"Satan tries to hinder prayer because prayer hinders Satan" R.Bonnke

"If you are not willing to die for what is in the Bible, you should not give money for Bibles. Because if you give, we will smuggle more Bibles. And if we smuggle more Bibles, there will be more martyrs." ~Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Last Days. Prepare!



                               Listen Well
               Friday Night Message 08/03/2012

                 He who has an ear let him hear!

  Listen FIRST, THEN read this aloud!!! The Lord IS GREAT!!!

When They Come

When they come hungry
We will give them food
When they come thirsty
We will give them drink
When they come naked
We will cover them,
With The Love Of Jesus
When they come broken,
We will fix their hearts
When they come imprisoned
We will set them free
When they come angry
We will give them peace
With The Love Of Jesus
When they come weak
We will tell them their strong
When them come poor
We will we will show them they are rich
When they come in darkness
We will show them the light
With the Love Of Jesus

The Time Has Come!

There is a wind blowing across the world
A wind riding on the wings of GODS WORD
There is a great shaking coming from the earth
An increasing tremor like a child being birthed
The time has come, for God to move His hand
The time has come, for revival in the land
The time has come, for the Spirits’ latter rain
The time has come, for Christ to heal our pain
There is a great fire, flaming from inside
A radiant light, that will not be denied
There is an awesome power, flowing from within
An unquenchable anointing, to destroy the works of sin
The time has come, for God to move His hand
The time has come, for revival in the land
The time has come, for the Spirits’ latter rain
The time has come, for Christ to heal our pain
There is a glorious choir, that is keying up to sing
A myriad of angels, glorifying THE KING!
There is a loud thunder, the clouds will soon part!