Monday, June 2, 2008


Sometimes as summer draws near

The hot moist air collides with the dry cold air which causes friction, storms, and disturbances in the atmosphere.

The greater the difference in air masses, the greater the tempest may be.

So, as the fervent, oil drenched, hot air of The season upon us..collides with the dry, cold air..of the season we are leaving....

Don't be surprised if there is friction,thunders,lightnings...and storms that result.

Don't be dismayed or moved.....

Because the rain of The Spirit will bring refreshing....even during the fervent heat of His powerful, anointed presence on earth.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Faith,Love,Power and Might

Jesus,The Way,The Truth, and The Light
Giving us all the power to live,The New Creation Life
Faith,Love and The Blood
Power, Authority and The Holy Spirits Flood
Oh how wonderful is the love of Christ
A love that produces power and might.
Jesus, Jesus, oh the power in that name
Every knee must bow, every opposing force, becomes lame
When the enemy comes in like a flood
His attack is dried up, by The name, and The Blood
Praise the name of Jesus, He is worthy
Praise Him until your eyes see the victory
Praise Him when the night seems long
Praise Him until those feeble limbs are strong
Praise Him for The Blood He shed
Praise Him and declare, all the works of sin, to be dead!
It can't be expressed with words alone
So, with The Blood, and with praise, approach His Throne
Stand in the presence of The Lamb that was slain
And in the presence of The Father who will strengthen you again
Praise Him at His throne of glory and grace
There He will give an abundance to win this race
Jesus,Jesus,Jesus...Thank You
Jesus,Jesus,Jesus...Thank You

Monday, May 19, 2008

Unlock His Creation

So often we can tell where The LORD has hidden a great treasure
BY the time and effort the enemy uses to keep it covered

When you see a people that have been oppressed for generations
You may want to look deeper, beyond natural limitations

ASK this question, with a heart for The Lords will
What is the enemy trying to keep oppressed, what is he trying to still

What has The Lord deposited in this community or nation
That the enemy is so afraid of, that he has done all to quench the revelation

What is locked up in the culture that is oppressed
That causes the enemies forces to be so obsessed

This is the question that will bring freedom to many
Draw this answer out of THEM...and watch The LORD receive glory....

We have only scratched the surface of The Lords creative plan
How He has put His fingerprint in all the cultures of man.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A House Of Prayer!!! :)

And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said to him: I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.

If I shut up heaven so no rain falls, or if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,

If MY PEOPLE, who are called by MY NAME, shall humble THEMSELVES, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity MY FACE and turn from THEIR wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal THEIR land.

Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer offered in this place.

For I have chosen and sanctified (set apart for holy use) this house, that My Name may be here forever, and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Warriors on The Wall

As The Warriors gather on The Wall
With their weapons of warfare, to combat the effects of the fall

Armed with the armor of The Lord
Equipped with the things uncorrupted like, Faith,Wisdom,Love,The Holy Spirit and The WORD

They ready their weapons,sharpen their swords and begin to sing
Waiting patiently, for The Orders of The King

And even as the dark forces gather and advance
The King commands His Army to strengthen their stance

The King sends out His forces to take enemy land
Slowly but wisely, He moves His skillful hand

Now the enemy sees that his time is short
So he has his defeated forces attack and roar

He then makes and error, that will be the fall of his line
He attacks The Kings Wall, in the last moments of time

The King gives a shout for His Army to ready
But, does not allow the final shots to be fired, but commands them to stay steady

He waits for the fullness of time to be completed
And at His order and His will, the remnants of the enemies forces are defeated

For when He sends His warriors into the final conflict
They are fully supplied and abundantly equipped

And they advance with ease through the midst of the battle
Not one hair being touched, not one nerve rattled

As carriers of light they go forth in The World
Reaping THE FINAL harvest, for The LORD!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Stand as One

The Body Must stand as One
For The Greater Work to be done

Tradition, Foolishness,Division and Pride..
We must make every effort to lay aside

We can no longer make the excuse, we don't know what to do
We must let The Lord be the final say in all disputes

For the LORDs plan isn't confused,unsure or waivering in any way
He lays before us truth and error, choose ye this day

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Poem by my 13 yr old son Troy(He is the tall one in the picture to the right :))

Clouds grow tall
Rain starts falling
Gusty winds blow down branches
Flooding streams of water
Dark and gloomy skies
Lighting strikes the ground
Sky full of streaks of light
Fire blazing in the distance
Smoke billows up in to the sky
Winds die down
Rain stops
Lighting stops striking
Clouds disappear
Clear blue sky comes out
Sun starts to shine
All is calm

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

No matter how beautiful the journey
Or how much of a battle it may have been
It is always good to be home

Whether it is the glory of the ocean
Or the majesty of the mountains
It is always good to be home

Thank You LORD
For my family and my home

Your Grace is Greater
Thank You for your hand of protection
It is Good To Be Home.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Eye Has Not Seen...(IS.64)

There are specific times in Gods plan
Like The Exodus, The Birth of Christ and the Creation of Man

That The LORD God Almighty Reveals His Glory
Reveals that He stands, not in time, but in His very own eternity

The LORD reveals, that in His Word
He Has given Himself authority to rule as LORD

He is not bound by the whims of man
And against His council, no argument can stand

There is a time set apart in His Will
That every voice will be quieted, every accusing mouth stilled.

The Last Days ,The Latter Days, The Fulfillment of All Things
The Revealing of His sons and daughters, The Time Creation Will Sing

This time is labeled with many names
But it is really just The Time..That Jesus Christ Begins to Rule and Reign

A great revealing of His Sovereignty and Might
Against all the enemies of God and Man He will wage The Righteous Fight

So get in your place , Oh warriors of The Lord
What is about to be revealed in you, will shake the world

He will use your tongue to smash the lies
To proclaim the Gospel, and to Save Lives

He will use your hands to heal the sick and help the poor
No eye has seen, nor ear heard, what He has in store

He will use your life to show His Grace and Power
To demonstrate His Love,Provision, and Truth in this, His finest Hour

Ask of The LORD expecting to receive
Miracles,Signs and Wonders are coming...ONLY BELIEVE!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Call upon The Mighty LORD!
He is looking to demonstrate HIS WORD!
He never asked anyone to seek Him in vain!
Indeed He commands us to TRUST in His NAME!
Will He find a people that won't limit HIS Hand?
Who have faith in His WORD, and continue to stand?
Will He find a people with their ear to the throne?
Who will seek HIS Glory, and not their own?
He is seeking a people in this very hour
To make a demand on His Spirit, to move in His Power!!
Oh Church of Christ, Bride of The King!!
Let your voices be heard, Let your born again spirits sing!!
Glory,Glory to The Only True LORD!!
Who is FAITHFUL and TRUE, and SHALL fulfill His WORD!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

And His Mercy endures Forever!!!!
Praise be to The Rock of Our Salvation
Our Lord and King, ruler of all Creation!!!
All The Earth is His, All Land, Air and Sea
He is an awesome God, who said "I shall do as I please"!!!!
Who is able to stand in His way?
Who can cause Jehovah's hand to be stayed?
Will man tell God, that His Word has failed?
Or can a defeated foe, stop even one scripture from being fulfilled?
Oh how awesome is Gods sovereign anointing.......
Nothing in the heavens or on earth, can stop it from flowing....
Gods power on earth to fulfill His plan
A power from the throne, that transcends the will of man...
For He has exalted His Word, even above His own Name!!!!!
And all of His Word will be fulfilled in the short time that remains!!!!!!
Open your eyes, Oh Church of The Most High!!!!
Your glorious redemption, draws nigh!!!!!!!