Monday, May 11, 2020

The Last Days- Prophecy- Prayer - Providence- Purpose

  My heart had a familiar cry today. One that I have tucked away, buried, let dry out and ignored. I wrote a poem today expressing how I was feeling. There are things in this life that are not easily explained. Those explanations are even more difficult to express when trying to explain Spiritual Things in a Natural World. Those explanations become almost impossible to utter when trying to explain spiritual things, to people who should understand spiritual things, yet don't seem to understand them any better than those without The Spirit Of Truth.

 I don't say that to put anyone down, or lift myself up. It is just a truth that I have lived for many years. It isn't about who is more spiritual or is closer to God. Trust me, I do not place myself in any high seat of spirituality or knowledge. There are times I wish I didn't know what I know and don't see what I see. I think sometimes it must be easier to not know any better. I mean there are whole Christian Movements that find comfort in their error. They find family in their almost cult like groups. Cult may not be the best word , but some movements are so far removed from The Truth and The Gospel it may be the best word to describe them. Having said that , many of them Love Jesus in the knowledge they have and have found family and comfort in their beliefs.

 On the other hand I wonder about all those who are right on and are fulfilling The Great Commission. They are sound in doctrine and practice. Yet my heart goes out to them as well. It seems even they are "missing" something. Why do I say that? Well, because The Word says that The Lord would perform certain signs and wonders to confirm The Words of The Gospel and except for a spattering here and there, there are very few of those signs confirming our words. How are we to see that? 

 I know all the text book answers. I know all the theological theories. I know that they all have truth in them and are not without validity. However, none of them give my spirit peace as being THE TRUTH. Why is it even in faith filled, spirit filled, bible believing churches, far more believers die of diseases that require a miracle than live? Is it that God doesn't hear our prayers. When believer after believers dies from cancer, heart disease or viruses, and very few get healed in a way that The Word tells us that we should expect, shouldn't that cause us to stop and ponder it?

When child after child dies even after the prayers of their parents and church bombard heaven , shouldn't that bother us? Shouldn't that cause us to hunger and thirst? When our brothers and sisters remain bound by mental illness, addiction and oppression even after doing all they know to do, shouldn't it break our heart. Yet many times we assume they are just not strong enough, don't have enough faith, weren't as committed to God as they seemed. If they just loved God more and were more committed, right? Let me say as somebody who has been there and still struggles with things I don't understand, we have to be very, very careful with such judgement, spoken or unspoken. 

 What about the lost and those captive in The Kingdom of Darkness. The multitudes totally blinded and deceived without any powerful witnesses and ambassadors of The Kingdom to pull them from the darkness. Again, we have a small measure of success, but we have not seen a real Outpouring of The Gospel in Power and Demonstrations of The Spirit for almost a century in this nation. I don't count massive gatherings of Christians gathering for famous speakers and  musicians as a Gospel Outpouring. Especially ones that charge a ticket price.

All these things can be summarized like this:

 There are people who will never be healed until they come in contact with the raw, un-quenched Power and Love of God and it may not be in their hands to make that happen. There are parents who are crying out for healing for their children who will not have their prayers answered for their dying child until The Body of Christ steps into her place. There are thousand, possibly tens of thousands of Christians that will remain bound and oppressed until The Body cares enough and grows enough to bring healing to them. Like the friends who lowered the man through Peters roof. There are Pastors in poor nations that will continue to watch their flocks starve and suffer early preventable deaths until The Western Church and Wealthy Pastors humble themselves and live a simple life so they can flow their hundreds of millions toward our suffering family. 

 It is my hearts cry and belief that there is much suffering because the hand is indeed saying to the foot, I really have no need of thee. I am wealthy and comfortable . I am favored of God and obviously since you are not living your best life now, you are not. I have the double portion, Jabez anointing, so I deserve to live in luxury while you starve. I have no need of thee. Remember, it is not only sin to commit sin, but to take pleasure and honor those who do such things. Selah.

  My heart breaks for the pain I see. My heart breaks even more that much of it is because we as The Church have not taken our place and are distracted by so many things. Entertained by so many things. Deceived by so many things. I cant explain fully what I mean. I just know that much of the suffering we see does not have to be that way. I know we have allowed enemy after enemy to come into our lives and churches to kill steal and destroy and chalked it up to many of the things I stated above. We just don't know, they didn't have the faith, part of Gods mystery, they were weak, it was Gods will..etc.

I tried to stay away from this path of thinking. I was content with just leaving it behind. I was settled with the thought, if God wants a change, well He will have to do it. Yet, He wouldn't let me drop it. Am I saying He agrees with everything I have said here, absolutely not.  Am I saying "THUS SAYETH THE LORD-YOU ARE  ALL IN ERROR". Oh my goodness no. I am just saying we need to be made hungry and thirsty again. We need to feel the suffering of the body and declare The Kingdom of Heaven to The World. We have to count all things lost for the Gospel and not quench The Spirit no matter how it will change others perspective of us.  We must tell the world Christ is coming soon and tell them what that means and who HE is. We must join with The Body of Christ across the planet and care for each other with The Love of Christ!

  There is much work to be done in prayer. There are many things to be prayed in The Spirit. I know what The Lord has been telling me and I have not been obedient. The time of delay is over. The time of just floating is over. The time of building personal kingdoms and cruise ships is over. It is time to march in prayer and faith. Time to build His Kingdom and build Great Supply Ships manned with Ambassadors of Christ.

My poem from today

My spirit man is groaning like a wanderer in a dry and weary land!

I long and thirst to see His Glory, expressed on earth, through His Outstretched Hand!

My heart strains under the burden of the bound and broken!

Crying out for a release of His Power and Love, like when demons fled from just a WORD being Spoken!

Bogged down by the empty words of the babbling lips!

I sail toward His Light, like a tossed and turned ship!

Lord HEAR the Prayers spoken by every shout, sigh and groan!

I shall seek you, unwavered , until The Answer is Released from Your Throne!