Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Filled With The Holy Spirit and Power

We are responsible as leaders to make sure that anyone that is sent into the field, is first and foremost, filled with The Holy Spirit and Power.

Yet, we have it backwards many times. We train, administrate, teach how to speak and how to do church business, but spend very little time in deep, anointed prayer, laboring over the work ahead.

Administration has become the main "work of ministry".

In the days ahead, I say this by The Spirit of God: Any outreach or ministry, that extends beyond the Church walls, will become acts of desperation, unless those involved are filled with The Holy Spirit and Power.

This takes an intentional act of consecration, and corporate leadership prayer, before The Lord. It takes realizing that although the administrative aspect of ministry is important (that is why we have the functional gifts of administrations and helps) it will never, can never, fulfill Gods Plans and Purposes on earth.

Only men and women going forth filled with The Holy Spirit and Power will be effective in the days ahead. Ministries and outreaches that do not or refuse to receive this revelation will be forced to return to shore, instead of being equipped to head out into the storm.

The supply that missionaries, churches and outreaches will need most is that of The Spirit. The Power and Anointing of God. From that high place, we will be able to see clearly, move unhindered, and get natural supplies through enemy lines to those laborers that need them

We will be able, from the top of that ancient wall of prayer, in the spirit, cry out to them:

"Ask expecting to receive"! "Ask expecting to receive"!  "Ask expecting to receive"!
(see dream after this post)

The early church did not turn The World upside down with a business model or well groomed executives sitting at a desk.

They were able to turn the world upside down with The Power of The Gospel and The Anointed Word of God being preached and taught by men and women that were filled with The Holy Spirit and Power!

Read The Book of ACTS again. Listen to how Paul talks about The Ministry he and the other Apostles were called to, in his letter to the churches. Peter was a rugged fisherman that would have been overlooked or expelled by most ministries these days, let alone, be made and ordained as an Apostle.(God alone calls minsters)

The Lord was working with them, as they pressed against the gates of hell and into the darkness, demonstrating what they were saying, with accompanying signs and wonders.

The darkness will only be penetrated by The Light of The World shining on and through the hearts of men. Demonstrations of The Lords Authority over the devil, the elements, and anything that kills, steals and destroys.

In 2014 The Lord will penetrate the darkness with a Great Burst of Light!
The Name of Jesus and His name alone will get all the glory and all the praise.

The dream mentioned above:

Acts 11:27-30

Relief to Judea

And in these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then the disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea. This they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.


I was facing a very old, wet, stone wall
I climbed to the top of the wall

When I got to the top I looked down at a hungry child
He was seated and was surrounded by empty containers
Of all different shapes and sizes
In my spirit I considered that the containers were empty

I heard in my spirit “missionaries”

I immediately began to cry out over the wall
I wasn’t crying out to the child, but to the containers


The Dream Ended

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